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Keyword Browse

For Novel Approaches to Plant Evolution from Paleontological, Physiological, and Developmental Perspectives

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

biomineralization (1 Abstract)
cambium (1 Abstract)
carbon isotope (1 Abstract)
cavitation (1 Abstract)
Dimorphy (1 Abstract)
drought (1 Abstract)
Ecophysiology (1 Abstract)
evolution (1 Abstract)
ferns (1 Abstract)
flower (1 Abstract)
flowering (1 Abstract)
fossil (1 Abstract)
fossil wood (1 Abstract)
geochemistry (1 Abstract)
hydraulics (1 Abstract)
Isotope (1 Abstract)
life history (1 Abstract)
lignophytes (1 Abstract)
local adaptation (1 Abstract)
mycorrhizae (1 Abstract)
NIP superfamily (1 Abstract)
nitrogen assimilation (1 Abstract)
paleoecology (1 Abstract)
phenology (1 Abstract)
phloem (1 Abstract)
phytolith (1 Abstract)
Plant-climate interactions (1 Abstract)
Reproductive Biology (1 Abstract)
Resource Allocation (1 Abstract)
silica cycle (1 Abstract)
silicic acid (1 Abstract)
water relations (1 Abstract)
xylem (3 Abstracts)

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